What Does Earth Day Mean to Me?

I was recently asked to contribute to a blog exploring the question “what does Earth Day mean to me”? I have to admit, this question perplexed me a bit…as the owner of a sustainable lifestyle store, it seems likely that I would have an answer straight away. Instead, I found my self sitting, staring at my computer screen, struggling to put something together.

Don’t get me wrong, many answers sprung to mind – Earth Day is a day to appreciate and admire the beauty of our world; it is a day to combat climate change, build awareness, and take action; it is a day to nurture our earth, to undertake community cleanups and plant new life. These are all worthwhile (and essential) endeavors. But these actions need to be ongoing, all year round – we cannot simply clear a beach of litter once a year and carry on with business as usual for the other 364 days. Our earth, our home, deserves more. So, is Earth Day a reminder of our responsibility, a kick in the butt urging us to do more? I think that’s a part of it, but not all. Earth Day should also involve positivity and celebration. 

As I sat there, attempting to puzzle out a worthwhile answer to this seemingly simple question, it struck me that maybe this reflection is exactly what Earth Day is about. Earth Day provides us with an opportunity to think about our relationship with our earth, as well as what it means to be stewards of the environment. Our earth provides us with the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. Earth sustains us every second of every day. We are a part of our world, interconnected and inextricable, and our connection to the earth makes us a part of something much larger than ourselves. So, let’s take care of our earth in the same way we care for ourselves and each other. After all, we are one. 

Happy Earth Day!



Katelyn Price